Happy Thanksgiving!
An article in The Smithsonian Magazine online reminds me that, especially for us Southerners, we do not need turkey or ham on the table for today's Thanksgiving Feast. Appetites vary, and tastes, by what is available and by what has come to be custom.
Turkey may have been the choice Yankee food for the Pilgrims way up North, but down here in the Sourh we have our own customs.
As chronicled, scroll down, possum or raccoon is a relished delicacy more than fit for the feast.
Roasted, grilled, barbecue,
Preparation instructions are readily available on the internet,
and delicious recipes for cooking and serving a scrumptious and memorable Thanksgiving dinner that will make family members proud and have guests raving afterward and hoping to be invited back next year. And remember that presentation is everything:
Finally, good, better, perhaps even best of all, for supper after returning from Black Friday shopping, instead of turkey hash, which is a Northern dish, everyone will be looking forward to raccoon sliders.
Small game hunters
love the sport, and raccoon can be frozen.
Furthermore, raccoons are slower moving than turkeys and not nearly as skittish, and easier targets. A large raccoon will feed and satisfy the appetites of the biggest family,
but for a Thanksgiving Dinner that includes many guests, hunt, clean and freeze all year long and save up for the big day.
Eat More Raccoon.
Eat More Raccoon.